Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Got the "All Clear"

I just got the call from my doctor's office, and I am officially not pregnant.


Sounds weird, but on October 6th, I was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy, meaning the embryo implanted in my fallopian tube instead of my uterus like it was supposed to. This condition can be life  threatening; if the tube ruptures, it can cause severe bleeding and requires emergency surgery. I was never in that type of critical condition, I was stable and never in any severe pain. So rather than surgery to remove the embryo, I was given an injection of methotrexate, a chemotherapy drug that destroys rapidly dividing cells. The injection made me very sick to my stomach, weak, and caused some pretty awful cramping, but this was the least invasive method and gives the greatest chance for preserving future fertility. We've been monitoring my pregnancy hormone (hcg) levels weekly since then, and they are finally below 5 (2,600 the first day).

To answer all your questions:
  • No, we were not trying to conceive.
  • I had been spotting for a few days and then developed some pain in my pelvis (like an ovarian cyst) and took a home pregnancy test and it was positive. The diagnosis was confirmed with an ultrasound and a quantitative HGC (measures the amount of hormone in my bloodstream, rather than just a positive or negative).
  • I have no risk factors for this condition, it was just a random thing (actually, it occurs in 1 in 50 pregnancies)
  • There is a 10% chance it could happen again, but my OB assured me that I shouldn't be worried at all about trying to have another baby at this point, and we only have to wait 1-2 months if we wanted to try.
  • I would have been 6 weeks along.
And the million dollar question: How are you doing emotionally? Well, although it feels a little callous, we're fine. If I had found out I was pregnant a few weeks before, then found out it was ectopic, I can see where I would feel some degree of  loss. But the fact is, I suspected the ectopic and then took a pregnancy test, so the entire time, it was more like I was making a medical diagnosis of something that could require emergency surgery and a blood transfusion. Then on the other hand, it's a little sad in that Scott and I (and God) conceived a child and it couldn't survive- it would have been so much better to be 10 weeks along and getting ready to announce our excitement to the world. And I'm pretty sure that next time we are pregnant, we'll value a healthy pregnancy just a little more.

So, while it sounds so strange to be excited about not being pregnant, it means that this is finally resolved, that I am healed, and that I don't have to undergo more injections or surgery- all good things. Praise be to God for healing and prompt proper medical care, and props to my handsome hubby for a month of support and taking care of me. And blessings on our little baby - even though you were only a part of our lives for less than 24 hours, we are honored that God chose us to be your parents.

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